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        About Us

        Established in April 2012, BIN ZUBEIRY SPORTS - ONLINE is a purely up-to-date sports and entertainment webiste.
The Dar es Salaam based website, is professionally run by a seasoned Tanzanian sport journalist Mahmoud Zubeiry who has previously been a Sports Editor of the country’s first sports newspaper called DIMBA.
        Mahmoud reached a decision to start a blog specifically for sports, arts and entertainment news to move with the speed and changes the world is experiencing through technology.
        The first step is usually a difficult one and BIN ZUBEIRY SPORTS - ONLINE can attest to that because it began in a difficult environment without an office, working equipments or even adverts. It began with a small number of readers practically 0 moving to 5,000 after five months and 20,000 after a year to 50,000 within two years. Currently, the number has increased and more than 100,000 visit the blog every day.
        Indeed, the packaging of BIN ZUBEIRY SPORTS - ONLINE (www.binzubeiry.co.tz) makes it completely different to other blogs in the country because it contains reliable and researched stories as well as effective, attractive and eye catching pictures of various events both locally and internationally. Such events range from Tanzania Mainland Premier League to European leagues notably Spanish La Liga, Germany’s Bundesliga, French Ligue One, Italian Serie A and the English Premier League as well as continental competitions like UEFA Champions League and UEFA Europa League.
        The website has got what it takes to clear the quest of the readers both within and outside the country. It is no doubt a leading blog being viewed by many people in East Africa and also entire Africa who want to get the latest in sports and entertainment. 
 Near future plans is to ensure the website takes a huge positive step and become one among major blogs viewed globally and also become a source to other networks like Daily Mail Online.
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